Last week we were thrilled to partner with Facebook Australia & NZ and Project ROCKIT for the NZ launch of two new Safety guides: ‘Hit Pause, then Post’ and ‘Help a Friend in Need’. SnS had input in to the New Zealand version of the Guides to ensure that they would resonate with young Kiwis.
The Guides were officially launched during a high-energy and interactive workshop that was designed to empower and inspire over 100 local students with the strategies they need to lead conversations in their school communities about how to create a respectful and safe space online. We even made it to the evening news!!!
We loved being a part of not only inputting into how the guides would look and the content of the Hit Pause then Post Guide but also in planning and running the launch event in Cromwell. We were thrilled to share video messages from MP for Waitaki Jacqui Dean and Youtube star Liam Waverider as well as hearing from Central Otago Mayor Tony Lepper and the incredible Lucy and Rosie from Project ROCKIT.
Keryn and Leo represented SnS incredibly well and loved sharing about how what we post online is only a part of who we are. Comparing ourselves to what we see online can make us feel like we don’t measure up but it is so important to remember that they are not true or realistic versions of what someone’s life is actually like. We are more than what we post.
The Hit Pause then Post Guide contains tips about thinking before you post, not sharing passwords and how to resolve online issues. The Help A Friend In Need Guide contains information about what to look out for on social media when your friend may be feeling down and how to get help.
Click HERE to check out Hit Pause, Then Post
Click HERE to check out Help A Friend In Need
You can also check out the video below for a taste of what the launch was like.
That night we hosted a workshop with local parents to talk about how to talk with their children about social media and online safety and answer their questions.
We also prepared a video for the Tots to Teens magazine about how to support their children around time and potential issues online. Check that out below.
Click HERE to check out the story that the ODT ran about the event.
Stories, Resources | Safety Guides, Collaboration, student voice, partnerships, Facebook