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Stories, Resources

Vodafone Technology Grant- Creating an Online Help Tool

In 2016, the Vodafone Foundation launched it’s Technology Grant Pipeline approach. The Vodafone New Zealand Foundation Technology Development funding is designed to support the development, implementation or growth of technology-focused solutions to youth development issues in Aotearoa.  Vodafone are looking for ambitious, innovative projects that must have clearly intended goals to enable vulnerable young people to live lives they value.…

Stories, Resources

Hit Pause then Post Safety Guides NZ Launch

Last week we were thrilled to partner with Facebook Australia & NZ and Project ROCKIT for the NZ launch of two new Safety guides: ‘Hit Pause, then Post’ and ‘Help a Friend in Need’.  SnS had input in to the New Zealand version of the Guides to ensure that they would resonate with young Kiwis. The Guides were officially launched during…