Stories & News

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Stories, Tips & Tools

Our Online Tool ICON launched today

After almost two years in the making, finally being able to share our online tool ICON feels amazing The idea for ICON came when I was presenting at a conference on the Gold Coast. The topic of the conference was bullying and our presentation was around young people taking action against bullying. An earlier presenter had shared an App developed…


How the World of Difference does ‘what it says on the box’

The Vodafone World of Difference Programme launched in November 2002 and finished in March 2018. Over that time, the programme enabled more than 80 passionate people to work for a New Zealand youth charity for one year. The Foundation supported them financially and professionally so they could concentrate on creating change. Being one of the final five World of Difference…

Stories, Resources

Vodafone Technology Grant- Creating an Online Help Tool

In 2016, the Vodafone Foundation launched it’s Technology Grant Pipeline approach. The Vodafone New Zealand Foundation Technology Development funding is designed to support the development, implementation or growth of technology-focused solutions to youth development issues in Aotearoa.  Vodafone are looking for ambitious, innovative projects that must have clearly intended goals to enable vulnerable young people to live lives they value.…


#Girltakeover at Facebook

For Safer Internet Day this year (February 7th) we were excited to again partner with Facebook Australia/NZ and Project ROCKIT, this time alongside Plan International Australia to run a #girltakeover at Facebook’s Melbourne offices. Our focus was on instant content and how we could collaborate with local students to create expectations of mutual respect, safety and privacy between the person…


Visiting Facebook EU- yep, we really did!

It is often the unexpected things in life that can be the most memorable. That has been the case for us in Dublin. When we left New Zealand we had no idea that we would get to go and meet with some of the team at Facebook in Dublin. It came about via conversation during our meeting in London with…


Our First Business Partnership

Earlier this year, after seeing the Prime TV Bullies documentary where we appeared, the NZ Fine Touring Team reached out to us to set up a meeting to discuss how we could work together. As a business that operates mainly in the online space, David, Kerry, Sutts and the team felt strongly about making it as positive as possible and…

Stories, Resources

Hit Pause then Post Safety Guides NZ Launch

Last week we were thrilled to partner with Facebook Australia & NZ and Project ROCKIT for the NZ launch of two new Safety guides: ‘Hit Pause, then Post’ and ‘Help a Friend in Need’.  SnS had input in to the New Zealand version of the Guides to ensure that they would resonate with young Kiwis. The Guides were officially launched during…