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Stories, Recognition

NZ Youth Awards 2017

We were thrilled to be back at the NZ Youth Awards this year  to recognise two more of our incredible young people. These Awards recognise and celebrate young New Zealanders who have achieved outstanding results, as well as those who have made a significant contribution towards supporting young people in their communities. The Award categories celebrate qualities such as leadership,…


Nikki shares her Day One Conference Round up

DAY ONE ROUNDUP: Today we had day one of the Bullies, Bullied and Bystanders conference in Dublin. We attended some really interesting workshops and some workshops that had ideas that really challenged the way that we work. For me, one of the most awesome ideas to come out of today was the BPART acronym created by Sharon Cayzer-Haller from Jerusalem.…


SNS Students take out 2nd and 3rd Place in the Web Rangers Competition

Great article in the ODT this week celebrating Abby and Nikki’s success in the Web Rangers campaign Competition- Well done girls! Check it out HERE